Ways a Stay At-Home Mom can make a little extra money

Being a stay at home parent is a tough challenge. For staters, being a full-time caregiver is way more difficult than people give it credit for. You can be grateful that you spend precious time with you children while they are small, but also appreciate it can be a thankless job that you can never feel success at.

Add in the challenges of our not earning an income since you are are staying home, but there are constantly new and increasing costs as your household grows.

With this challenge front and center, many stay at home moms look to earn a little extra money to help with the increasing costs.

While a lot of sites out there will suggest you just look for a part time or freelance job in the role you did before kids, it isn’t always that simple. You also don’t live in that world anymore.

Rather than go back to jobs you had before kids, how about trying to leverage your skills as a mom, to help others out there. Have you turned your creative skills into becoming a craft expert? Do you throw the best birthday parties thanks to your former career planning conferences? Have you aced meal planning, and could share weekly meal and snack plans with manageable prep times?

These could be your new super powers into creating a little on the side income.

Let’s look at some ideas about how you can use your A+ parenting skills into a little side hustle